163UK-9276675 Vitlab 500ml Volumetric flasks, plastic, Class B, Height 270 mm, Joint size (NS) 19/26 , Tolerance 0.50 ± ml

Part Nnumber
500ml Volumetric flasks, plastic, Class B, Height 270 mm, Joint size (NS) 19/26 , Tolerance 0.50 ± ml
Basic price
13,18 EUR

The product with part number 163UK-9276675 (500ml Volumetric flasks, plastic, Class B, Height 270 mm, Joint size (NS) 19/26 , Tolerance 0.50 ± ml) is from company Vitlab and distributed with basic unit price 13,18 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Volumetric flasks, plastic, Class B Crystal clear PMP. Tolarances Class B acc. to DIN EN ISO 1042. With individually adjusted, red printed graduation and inscriptions and PP standard ground joint stoppers. The volumetric flasks withstand exposure to temperatures up to 121°C (autoclaving) without permanent loss of tolerance. Recommended cleaning temperature: up to 60°C to preserve printing on the flasks. Capacity 500 ml Height 270 mm Joint size (NS) 19/26 Tolerance 0.50 ± ml

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(keyword 163UK-9276675 Vitlab 500ml Volumetric flasks, plastic, Class B, Height 270 mm, Joint size (NS) 19/26 , Tolerance 0.50 ± ml)
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